TikTok Scraper - The all-in-one software for generating leads!

Introduction: The benefits of TikTok for lead scrapping

TikTok gives you the opportunity to :

  1. Interact socially with your relations and people who follow your TikTok profile from the comments.
  2. Find qualified leads from the advanced search tab
  3. Communicate with people on this network via TikTok instant messenger
  4. Showcase your company in a short video format
  5. Scrape leads that highlight their interests in relation to your business

Now that you've understood the value of TikTok for lead capture, let's explore together how to extract qualified leads from this platform and manage your prospecting with each of these contacts using ClarkUp's all-in-one prospecting solution.

On the program:

  1. Scrape people who comment on a TikTok video
  2. Scrape your Followers/Following TikTok list
  3. Scrape leads from TikTok's "Search" tab
  4. Scrape a lead from your TikTok profile

How to scrape people who comment on a TikTok video

Step 1: Search for a TikTok video related to your target audience

  1. Click on the video to enlarge it on your screen
  2. Don't close the video

Step 2: Scrape TikTok comments with the ClarkUp extension

Open the ClarkUp Chrome extension, which automatically opens the "TikTok - Comments" tab, and click on "Import LinkedIn Profiles".

Step 3: Extract your TikTok leads

Once you've reached the number of profiles you wish to export, click on "Export profiles".

Step 4: Select your leads for your ClarkUp member space

Uncheck the leads you don't want to keep for the next step and click on "Copy to clipboard" to import the remaining leads into your ClarkUp member area.

Step 5: Import your leads into your ClarkUp member space

In your ClarkUp member area, go to the "Leads" tab and follow the steps below:

  • Click on "Import leads".
  • Paste pending clipboard items into the white insert
  • Select or create your pipeline by clicking on the drop-down list next to "Pipeline".
  • Add a tag, if you wish
  • And finally, click on "Import".
Import Linkedin leads

How to scrape your Followers/Following TikTok list

Step 1: Find a TikTok profile in line with your target audience

  1. Open the profile whose Followers/Following you want to scrape
  2. Click on a Followers/Following to open the window.
  3. Leave the Followers/Following window open

The next steps are the same as for TikTok comments

Step 2: Scrape TikTok comments with the ClarkUp extension

Step 3: Extract your TikTok leads

Step 4: Select your leads for your ClarkUp member space

Step 5: Import your leads into your ClarkUp member space

How to scrape leads from TikTok's "Search" tab

Step 1: Go to the "TikTok-Search" page

Follow these steps: 

  1. Perform a search
  2. Click on "Accounts

The next steps are the same as for TikTok comments

Step 2: Scrape TikTok comments with the ClarkUp extension

Step 3: Extract your TikTok leads

Step 4: Select your leads for your ClarkUp member space

Step 5: Import your leads into your ClarkUp member space

How to scrape a lead from your TikTok profile

Step 1: Find a TikTok profile in line with your target audience

Go to the relevant TikTok profile

Step 2: Scrape the TikTok profile with the ClarkUp extension

  1. Open the ClarkUp Chrome extension - The extension will automatically open on the dedicated TikTok-Profile tab
  2. Select destination pipeline and course
  3. Click on "Import".

Step 3: Find your lead in your ClarkUp member space with a single click

Click on "Click here to see it" to go to the lead file in your ClarkUp member area

Find customers on TikTok with ClarkUp

Find customers on TikTok with ClarkUp

Conclusion: Scraping leads on TikTok and converting them into customers

Exporting leads via TikTok is a recently added ClarkUp feature. TikTok is one of today's most popular social networks. So it's worth using it for your business and diversifying your prospecting sources. Depending on your targeted research and the use you make of this scraping, it will enable you to prospect efficiently and automate time-consuming tasks so you can concentrate on what's essential: developing your business. ClarkUp is an all-in-one solution that will enable you to retrieve the leads you want from LinkedIn, then follow up your prospecting with each of these prospects. With ClarkUp, you can also use personalized video to further personalize and humanize your prospecting. Discover also how to scrape leads on Facebook. or how to scrape leads on Instagram with ClarkUp.

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